Current Series

11th MAY

Money & Eternity: the Rich Fool - Luke 12:13-21

Hugh Palmer - Rector, All Souls Langham Place

25th MAY

Money & Forgiveness: Zacchaeus - Luke 19:1-10

Jonathan Fletcher - former vicar, Emmanuel Wimbledon

8th JUN

Money & Shrewdness: the Shrewd Manager - Luke 16:1-15

William Taylor - Rector, St Helen’s Bishopsgate

22nd JUN

Money & Responsibility: the Ten Minas - Luke 19:11-27

David Jackman - Founder of Proclamation Trust

6th JUL

Money & Taxes: Give to Caesar - Luke 20:20-26

Paul Perkin - Vicar, St Mark’s Battersea Rise

20th JUL

Money & Poverty: the Widow’s Offering - Luke 21:1-4

Paul Valler - Former finance director of Hewlett Packard