
Thursday 23 July 2015

Rev'd Jago Wynne - Keeping our faith - 2 Timothy 4 : 9 - 22

We are joined by Rev'd Jago Wynne who wraps up the term with our final session on 2 Timothy.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Revd Paul Perkin - Keep your head - 2 Timothy 4:1-8

We live in extraordinary times, where foundations are shifting at an exponential rate. How can we take our stand as followers of Christ..?

Join us as we find out. We’re delighted to have Revd Paul Perkin with us looking at 2 Timothy ch 4:1-8, with the title of ‘Keep your head’, a key requirement for the 21st Century Christian.

Paul is vicar of St. Mark’s Battersea Rise where he has been for the past 28 years or so! He has an extraordinary gift for opening up the scriptures so it’s a real joy to have him.